video: wisdom from the elders, time is now, fragmentation and connectedness

I start a list of interesting videos to be used for the learning content in our Mooc Learning Life from Nature:

  • the time is now
  • Connectedness and fragmentation

15 mn, the wisdom of the elders


More Info for Learning from Nature workshop

download pdf  aura learning by nature workshop 2016








download pdf with more informations: aura learning by nature workshop 2016

Here are more informations for our workshop Learning from Nature in September 2016 in Calabria.

I remember you that the  workshop can  be fully funded by an Erasmus + Mobility. If you have not yet done the application for the Erasmus + mobilities, it is now time to do it: Deadline for the application is 2. February 2016. You need a own organisation, you need  to have an european PIC number and let’s do it. Click here to learn how to write the application.




AURA Sviluppo Sostenibile –

Pic number: 946381277



Self perception and systemic transformation for innovators and change makers in times of crisis

download pdf: aura learning by nature workshop 2016

Date: 19-23 September 2016 (Monday-Friday)

Venue: Calabria, South Italy (organic farm Priscopio, Ciaramiti di Ricadi) (4 km from Tropea)

Arrival airport: Lamezia Terme


Facilitators: Elena Franzini (Aura, Calabria, South Italy); Jasenka Gojsic (Isoropia, Zagreb, Croatia), Mare Suljak (Isoropia, Zagreb, Croatia)


Costs: 60€/person/day food and accomodation (double or triple bedroom)



  • individuals, NGO and associations 350€ (could be fully funded wih Erasmus+ Mobility)
  • corporate 700€



Tel: +39-349-1963178


The focus is on capacity building for teachers, facilitators, innovators and change makers.


Daily structure for all workshops: 10.00 – 19.00

10.00 Opening process – check-in

11.00 Work Session I – Opening activities – Deep dive into yourself – Mindfulness practices – Learning lab

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Relax,

15.00 Work Session II – Experiential lab – Creative activities: Surfacing emerging solutions and self expressing activities through painting, writing, video

17.00 Reflection on the day

19.00 Relax

20.00 Dinner


Feel free to innovate and co-create with us the workshop contents. Bring your favorite music (instruments), games, inspirations for others, etc…


The fundamental longing is to connect ourselves with our own essence. It is not about how to act with more rational knowledge, but to create a bridge between your rational mind and your inner wisdom, developing the necessary emotional strength and spiritual power.

It is an experiential five days workshop about your Self perceptions, that are determined by its position in relation to other phenomena and that are changed by the very act of observation.

The magic of nature and the beauty can deliver you the peace, the love, the intuitions and the calm you need in challenging chaotic times.


Day 1: Opening process: create the field and open the space for transformation

Redirect your attention from outside to inside, practice the listening to yourself and experience the deep breath of life that is breathing within you.

The path from outside to inside

The quality of your inner space


Day 2: Ensoul your perception

Change your perceptions: experience the wonder of an ensouled world. Create your symbols, discover your mirrors, create your metaphors from your experience with nature. Add transpersonal spiritual energies.  Develop yor ability to sense. Trust your sensibility and trust your intuition. the use of imagination.


Day 3: Life Sustaining Transformation

Loving yourself, self-esteem, presence, imagination, love, harmonious life in your systemic transformation.


Day 4: The path back from inside to outside: act with your roots in your soul

Explore the future from within; Letting go, letting come.

Authenticity and the courage to speak with your voice. Show yourself. The U movement.


Day 5: Sharing, harvesting


The key lies in transforming both our capacity to see and sense, and our capacity to create. A capacity to see that no longer fragments the observer from what’s observed.

A new capacity for stillness that no longer fragments who we really are from what’s emerging. And a new capacity to create alternative realities that no longer fragments the wisdom of your head, heart and hand. A synthesis of all different facets of a single way of being. Explore the future from within.

Daily “soul check-in”, journaling on your role in life, inner conversations, inspiration from nature and transpersonal experiences are essential parts of the workshop.






Transformation Experience Calabria 2015


Transformation Event CalabriaJoin the first Italian international event of the Transformation Community in cooperation with IPTL (International Partnership of Transformational Learning). We are meeting in Calabria, South Italy, for 5 days, 20-25. September 2015. In a beautiful natural setting, on the seaside.
It is a sharing platform where you can present yourself and your work. The event is holding an inspiring space in nature, on the beach, where you can be authentic the way you are and where you have the opportunity to connect in a natural way to your deep Self.

It is a place of genuine and deep listening, of mindfulness, of joy:
Listening to yourself, your Self, listening to others, listening to nature, to the sea; listening to the community, to our social realities and the collective. We are all engaged in transforming ourselves, our work, our communities and society.
Share your experience about transformation, what is your focus right now? Where are you engaged? What are your insights? What are your struggles? How does your path look like? What gives you energy, what takes your energy away? Find in the transformation community like-minded people who can support you and that you too can support: What are you doing, how are you? How is your Being?

It is a participative and collaborative meeting. Our reference frame is presencing and mindfulness, and we cultivate our connection with our deep Self.

IPTL is an international group born out of an European Grundtvig on Transformational Learning and systemic transformation in times of chaos and crisis. We meet once a year: 2013 it was in Sweden, 2012 it was in Zagreb, Croatia. This year 2015 it is in Calabria, South Italy; next year 2016 it will be in Berlin.


Please register  here. Register with the online module and buy your ticket with eventbrite.

Fee for event: Free for first 20 participants before 31.7.2015

Full price: 100Euro (after 31.7.2015)

Buy tickets at Eventbrite:


Reserve your accomodation at (our special price is 45 Euro /person/per day, half pension, breakfast and dinner included. If you want to share your bungalow or room with someone tell the name at Villaggio Formicoli, when you reserve your accomodation.

For more informations contact Elena at or call +39-3491963178



Systemic Transformation (personal and social) in times of crisis and chaos

systemic transformation personal and social

systemic transformation personal and social


7 days experiential learning event

Date: May 2016

Creating the spaces for transformation is the opening process.  The personal transformation happens when the wound becomes a gift. The social transformation happens whith the transformation of the relationship: when the “I” becomes a “We”.


For Erasmus+ grant: PIC number of Aura Sviluppo Sostenibile 946381277.

Video di Otto Scharmer sull’evoluzione della nostra società per una società 4.0

La conferenza tenuta da Otto Scharmer sulla Society 4.0 (sull’evoluzione della nostra società) al Presencing Global Forum di Berlino 2012.

(Il video è in inglese, per i miei amici che non sanno l’inglese vedrò se è possibile tradurre alcuni passi).

Guarda il video su vimeo:

Una reazione automatica nella società di oggi è di re-agire ai problemi: perchè è necessario invece rallentare e “presence”

Questo video parla del processo U: Una reazione automatica nella società di oggi è di re-agire e di saltare subito all’azione non appena vediamo un problema. Il guaio è, quando facciamo così, che spesso ci stiamo occupando non con il reale problema, ma semplicemente con i sintomi, e, come conseguenza, rendiamo le cose molto peggio di quanto non siano già. Ravi Tangri (della comunità di Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations, nel spiega il bisogno di rallentare, di “slow down” la nostra risposta, in modo da potere percepire (“to sense” in inglese) la completa portata della situazione e di “pre-sense”, “pre-percepire” potremmo dire in italiano, percepire anticipatamente quale azione dobbiamo veramente fare così da potere agire in modo saggio invece di agire semplicemente reagendo.
Da “The Art of Hosting Meaningful conversations”. Il video è in inglese.

Our knee-jerk reaction in today’s society is to re-act and jump to action as soon as we see there’s a problem. The trouble is, when we do that, we’re often not dealing with the real problem – just the symptoms – and as a result, we often make things far worse than they already are. In this Leadership180.Net, Ravi Tangri explains the need to slow down our response so we can sense the full scope of the situation and pre-sence what action we really need to take, so we can take wise action raather than just action.

Neuroscience: two circuits to interact with the environment

Neuroscience research has further confirmed what meditators have known for millenia: that there are two fundamentally different ways of interacting with the environment.

One is centered in a self-referential process (“ego” or “me” or “personality”), which neuroscience calls the “narrative circuit” – it is the brain circuitry and information storehouse that holds together a personal narrative based on past experience, which then acts as a filter and interpreter for what is happening in the present.

The other is called “direct experience” by both scientists and meditators. In this case, several different brain regions become more active and you are able to experience sensory information in real time. You are not just overlaying the experiences of the past onto the situation of the present.

Mindfulness not only allows you to notice the difference between these two modes, but also gives you the choice of which circuitry to be using.

Further, the more you switch over to direct experience, the “thicker” and stronger this circuitry becomes.

Now stepping outside the framework of neuroscience and into our everyday experience, we can also say that direct experience heals fragmentation. We get out of our “head” and into the mind-body system that is already connectd to the larger energetic system of the environment.

We reconnect with a wholeness that has been in the background. We draw from a larger energetic field, and we become more attuned to the subtle signals within and around us.

(Little book of practice for Authentic Leadership in Action, by Susan Szpakowski, page 29, ALIA Press 2010)